Going deep into the underground: Liu Liehong investigates the construction of 5G+ smart coal mines

 Liu Liehong, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of China Unicom Group Corporation, and Wu Hongwen, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, went to Shanxi Coking Coal Group Huozhou Coal Power Pangpangta Coal Mine for on-site investigation. Pangpangta Coal Mine uses China Unicom’s smart mining technology solution, has implemented a single point of 50,000 gigabits and a total of 400,000 gigabits of bandwidth, and built the country’s first 5G underground commercial network system with full coverage of 138 underground base stations. The control effect is obvious.

  Going deep into the underground: Liu Liehong investigates the construction of 5G+ smart coal mines

    Liu Liehong went to the Shanxi Coking Coal Group Huozhou Coal Power Power Power Coal Mine to conduct on -site investigations display panel lcd
    Liu Liehong heard the introduction of the construction results of the Pang Pangta Coal Mine 5G+Smart Mine. A series of intelligent systems such as lines. Liu Liehong fully affirmed the intelligent construction of Pang Pangta Coal Mine, and pointed out that Pangpo Tower has truly realized the network architecture of “a net”, and has taken another big step towards the “unmanned and fewer” smart mines.

 Going deep into the underground: Liu Liehong investigates the construction of 5G+ smart coal mines

    Liu Liehong communicated with relevant leaders.
    Wearing safety protection equipment, Liu Liehong went deep into the underground 108 intelligent working face to conduct on-site investigations to understand the deployment of 5G base stations and the joint layout of systems in the 5G environment, and to check the reliability of the 10G ring network in the centralized control box. The intelligent fully mechanized mining operation flow of the transmission demonstration. The technical director of Pangpangta Coal Mine said to Liu Liehong when introducing the 5G+ smart coal mine: “The future vision of our coal miners is that they can mine coal while sitting in front of a computer in a suit and tie.” Liu Liehong said that China Unicom Smart Mine Corps will exert its ability of “specialization and specialization”, continue to focus on the construction and development of smart mines, and help every coal miner’s wishes come true as soon as possible.

  Going deep into the underground: Liu Liehong investigates the construction of 5G+ smart coal mines

    Liu Liehong went deep into the underground 108 intelligent working face to conduct on-site research to understand the deployment of 5G base stations and the joint arrangement of systems in the 5G environment. With the strong support of China Unicom, Pangpangta Coal Mine has built the country’s first 5G commercial network system with full coverage of 138 underground base stations.
    According to reports, with the vigorous promotion of China Unicom, as early as October 2020, Pangpangta Coal Mine has built an underground network including 4G, 5G, ring network and other multi-network integration. , a total of 400,000 gigabits of bandwidth, and built the country’s first 5G commercial network system with full coverage of 138 underground base stations. After nearly two years of continuous struggle and intensive cultivation, Pangpangta Coal Mine has formed an information infrastructure with one network and three centers, laying a solid foundation for the smooth advancement of the later intelligent work. In 2022, China Unicom will further assist Pangpangta Coal Mine to sort out collaborative management and intelligent control work in detail, carry out collaborative management work such as safety inspection platform, intelligent warehousing, and unified coding of items, and initially try 5G + truck driverless, 5G + intelligent A series of intelligent control work such as fully mechanized mining and 5G + intelligent ventilation. At present, collaborative management and intelligent control have achieved initial results, and some workers have been able to stay away from dangerous working environments. In the next step, China Unicom will start from the two aspects of 5G+ control and mine intelligent comprehensive platform, and strive to build 5G+ five streams and two sides (wind flow, water flow, coal flow, electric current, logistics, fully mechanized mining face, tunnel face); from safety, production Starting from the three latitudes of management and management, we will further build six intelligent platforms including safety monitoring, safety management, production control, production management, operation management and comprehensive management.
    During the investigation, Liu Liehong put forward specific work requirements for Shanxi Unicom: to further implement the national industrial Internet strategy and national security strategy, relying on the resource advantages of China Unicom’s Smart Mine Corps, deepen and penetrate the mining field, and achieve accelerated breakthroughs in scene applications and brand benefits It is necessary to use 5G communication technology to build an underground industrial Internet and connect the above-ground and underground networks, so as to realize the intelligent operation of the whole production process of coal mining, transportation, ventilation, washing and so on.
    The relevant persons in charge of the office, marketing department, government and enterprise customer business group of China Unicom Group Corporation accompanied the investigation

By hmimcu