Application of particulate matter sensor in clean room

A clean room, also known as a clean room or quiet room, is a room equipped with air filtration, distribution, optimization, construction materials and equipment, which is the basis for the control of pollution and cross-contamination, in which specific standard operating procedures are used to control the concentration of airborne particles and bacteria in order to achieve the appropriate level of cleanliness. The main function of the clean room is to control the material, and the air in contact with the product contains temperature and humidity, so that the product has a good production and storage space.

The development of clean rooms is closely linked with modern industry and cutting-edge technology. Due to the environmental requirements of the precision machinery industry (such as gyroscopes, micro bearings, etc.) and the semiconductor industry (such as large-scale integrated circuit production), the development of clean room technology has been promoted. Domestic statistics have shown that the qualified rate of MOS circuit core produced in an environment without clean level requirements is only 10% to 15%, and 64 is only 2% of storage. At present, the application of clean rooms in precision machinery, semiconductors, aerospace, atomic energy, medicine and other industries has been quite common. However, the cleanliness requirements of clean rooms in various industries are inconsistent.

1. Clean room requirements for semiconductor and integrated circuit production

Semiconductor material purification is an important basis for the development of semiconductor devices. Due to the process requirements of large-scale and ultra-large scale integrated circuits, in order to obtain high-purity silicon materials, high purity and high precision of raw materials and intermediate media, the cleanliness of constant temperature and humidity production environment has become a prominent problem affecting product quality.

The yield of integrated circuit chip is related to the defect density of chip, and the defect density of chip is related to the number of particles in the air. Therefore, the rapid development of integrated circuits not only has a high requirement for the size of the control particles in the air, but also needs to further control the particle beam. At the same time, there are also relevant requirements for chemical pollution control of dust-free workshops in VLSI production environments.

2. Clean room requirements for precision machinery and fine chemical product production

With the development of science and technology, the production and processing of many industrial products put forward extremely high requirements for the dust concentration in the dust-free workshop of the production environment, which requires a certain level of air cleanliness in the production environment and the supply quality of various related substances required to control the production process. For example, in the production of film, if the film is contaminated by dust, there will be emulsion oxidation, weakened activity, PH value changes, etc., which will affect the photographic performance of the film.

3. Clean room and dust-free workshop requirements for pharmaceutical product production

Medicine is used to prevent and treat diseases and restore and adjust the body function of special commodities, its quality is directly related to people’s health and safety. If some drugs are contaminated or cross-contaminated by microorganisms, dust particles, etc. during the manufacturing process, unexpected diseases and hazards may occur.

The clean room grade standard is usually classified according to the only indicator of the concentration of suspended particles. The particle sensor is an instrument used to measure the number and particle size distribution of dust particles per unit volume in the clean room. It has the advantages of fast test speed, dynamic distribution width, no human influence, etc., is used for painting, environmental protection products and other production enterprises and scientific research departments of the main monitoring instrument with touch screen.

In the precision machinery production workshop, the requirements for workshop cleanliness are very high. Particulate matter sensors are essential equipment in almost every precision electronics workshop. If we have such an instrument to monitor particle concentration in our workshop, then we can easily understand the dust situation in the workshop when we are in the office, and realize the intelligent experience of the product.

For example, when we detect that the concentration of particulate matter in the workshop is too high, we can promptly notify the relevant workshop person in charge and take necessary measures to reduce the concentration of particulate matter below the safety standard, which is very conducive to the safe production of products and provide users with reliable and high-quality products. The British alphasense particle detector PM2.5 sensor Dust sensor OPC-R2 is a small-size particle detector launched by alphasense after OPC-R1, which can detect PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. The device has a higher flow rate and lower power consumption than OPC-N2 and OPC-N3, making it a very cost-effective product. The British Alphasense PM2.5 sensor/atmospheric particle monitor OPC-N3 is an upgrade of OPC-N2, with the same appearance size as OPC-N2, and a measuring range of 0.38-40um, which can measure up to 2,000 μg/m3. The number of channels is expanded to 24, with onboard temperature and humidity sensors; It can be applied to the monitoring of heavily polluted environment. In addition, the Japanese figaro laser particle sensor PM2.5 sensor TF-LP01 is a small module that uses the scattering principle to detect dust particles in the air. It has small size, high detection accuracy, good repeatability, good consistency, real-time response can be continuously collected, strong anti-interference ability, and adopts ultra-quiet fan. Sensor factory 100% detection and calibration advantages.

Application of particulate matter sensor in clean room

By hmimcu