burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

Today, when logging into GitHub, the GitHub Trending page suddenly showed this notification:

Heads up! This Trending tab is being deprecated. Due to low usage of Trending Repositories and Trending Developers, this tab will no longer be available beginning September 30, 2022. For questions and feedback, please visit GitHub Community. hmi tft panel

Attention! This “Trending” tag has been deprecated. Due to low usage of “Repositories” and “Developers” on the Trending page, from September 30, 2022, this tab will no longer be available. For questions and feedback, please visit the GitHub community.

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

This news surprised everyone, and before they could react, GitHub started a 30-day countdown mode for the Trending list.

As for GitHub’s official statement that “the usage rate is too low” as the reason for the cancellation of the Trending list, many people are curious and skeptical. However, unfortunately, the official did not give specific data to explain.

Influx of developers who are strongly opposed by the GitHub community

This move also dissatisfied users who viewed the daily, weekly, and monthly active and interesting project repositories and knew first-line developers through the Trending hot list. They flocked to the GitHub community discussion board, and three of the first five were listed. is a discussion about GitHub Trending.

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

“This feature is my default page for visiting GitHub. I go there every day to discover new projects. I’m surprised by this decision…” one developer commented on the discussion board.

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

Twitter, HN platforms are also full of a lot of opposition

In addition to the GitHub community, developers also turned to Twitter, HN and other social platforms, Aite GitHub official account, to express their views:

I visit Github Trending at least 3 times a week.
I mean, filter the ranking of the most popular open source software by language on any given day/week/month, what’s not to like?

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree
OMG… @github do you really want to delete the top page? This has been my browser homepage for over 10 years!

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree
Hey @github/@Microsoft I really hope you read all the comments from the GitHub community. In fact, we use popular repositories every day!

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree
Super annoying because I use it for my work. Maybe we complain louder? We all know that GitHub is tracking data, but I also wondered what the benefits of having it disappear from the public eye would be.

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

Why is GitHub swinging this “knife”?

At the same time, the developer also launched a petition “Please keep “Trending Repositories and Trending Developers”. However, it seems that it will not affect the final decision of GitHub officials.

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

In response to this problem, many people think that the statement given by GitHub is just an “excuse” on the surface. In fact, “recommendation will be targeted for SEO, and it is very difficult to make good content.”

Twitter user @ivoryshan Liu Neng said, “GitHub is going to turn off the Trending function, but the reason should not be that few people use it, but to limit many ways to drain traffic. For example, if we look at Trending in the Chinese area today, there are almost no A few serious projects. I think it will undoubtedly be less fun without Trending, but I still admire GitHub’s original intention of sticking to the open source project hosting platform at all costs.”

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

Wu Sheng, founder of Apache SkyWalking, forwarded and supported this One point of view, he commented, “It’s great to see GitHub doing this! Whether (GitHub Trending) usage is low or high, this page generates far more noise than value. It’s just a pure low-value marketing tool. A healthy and honest community.”

burst! GitHub will close the Trending list, and developers do not agree

However, from a certain perspective, for developers, being able to board GitHub Trending is undoubtedly an incentive for their own technical path. Nowadays, it would be somewhat sentimental for this function to be “killed”.

So, have you used GitHub Trending? What are your thoughts on GitHub’s removal of the Trending page?

By hmimcu