China’s chip expansion has prompted Samsung to cut prices and seize the market, which may be unavoidable for TSMC

在联电、立机电传出降价抢市场的消息后,全球最大的芯片代工厂台积电并没有跟进。台积电似乎有意依靠其先进的技术来盈利,而成熟的技术则是通过3D WOW等封装服务来提升芯片,以差异化的竞争优势确保市场份额。
Now Samsung has taken the lead in price reduction, and Liandian and Li Electromechanical have followed up. The price war for chip OEM has officially started. Although TSMC has not yet made a statement to follow up, it is also difficult to avoid it. In 2022, the capacity utilization rate of TSMC has declined in Q4. In order to reduce the electricity cost, TSMC has shut down at least four EUV lithography machines, the production utilization rate of 7nm process has dropped to 50%, the production utilization rate of 5nm process has dropped to 80%, and the capacity utilization rate of mature process is also declining. In the face of many competitors’ price reduction and market grabbing, TSMC may not have much choice but to follow up the price reduction.
Moreover, the cost of chip manufacturing in Chinese Mainland is lower than that of Samsung and Taiwan, China’s chip foundries, which is an advantage of Made in China. Even if Samsung and Taiwan, China’s chip foundries cut prices, they cannot be lower than those of Chinese Mainland’s chip foundries. And Chinese related institutions have recently expressed their support for Chinese Mainland’s chip manufacturers to continue expanding their production capacity, which is more favorable for Chinese chip manufacturing.

By hmimcu