Mobileye is conducting next-generation driver assistance system tests

Mobileye is testing mobile superVision, a next-generation driver assistance system, on a multi-day intercontinental road trip through six countries in southern and central Europe, on roads that have only been mapped by technology but never driven by test vehicles. The journey takes nearly 40 hours, consisting of about 300 kilometers at night, in high temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius, in a combination of crowded city streets, winding country roads and intercity highways.
A hybrid sedan was selected for the test, equipped with an upgraded 8-megapixel HD camera system that provides high-resolution, 360-degree computer vision surround coverage. In addition, by REM? Mobileye Roadbooks, which drive AV maps, are also widely used to provide vehicles with a wealth of information about the driving environment. To clearly demonstrate the adaptability and capabilities of rem, the test even allows guests to select navigation points along the way, so that the route can be set or reset in the shortest possible time. At the same time, in order to demonstrate the independent operation of the computer vision system, the test also enabled the vehicle to travel a considerable distance in “mapless mode” (without the use of Mobileye Roadbook), during which it completely relied on the vehicle’s on-board camera. The system performed impressively throughout the process – even on unlit roads after dark and on roads worn by lane markings, there was only occasional minimal manual intervention.  hmi screen tft
The success of this latest test will pave the way for Mobileye SuperVision to be used in more vehicles. In the coming weeks, Mobileye plans to conduct more similar demonstrations in other parts of the world, opening the door to further implementation of this compelling, comprehensive new driver assistance solution in the near future.

By hmimcu