Q2 China’s high-end smartphone share ranking: Apple accounted for 46% and ranked first, and Vivo and Huawei ranked second and third respectively

Today, Counterpoint Research released a report that the sales share of China’s high-end smartphone market (wholesale price of $400 is about 2750 yuan and above) has risen slightly from 31% in the second quarter of 2021 to 33% in the second quarter of 2022.

Q2 China's high-end smartphone share ranking: Apple accounted for 46% and ranked first, and Vivo and Huawei ranked second and third respectively

The report notes that sales volumes in the high-end market, including the quasi-high-end, high-end and flagship high-end segments, have fallen by only 10% compared to the 14% year-over-year decline in the overall market. Segments of the $600-799 premium (approximately RMB4100-5470) and flagship high-end (approximately RMB6850) of US$1000 and above both recorded growth in the second quarter of 2022. hmi panel lcm

According to the data, the top six high-end smartphone shares in China in the second quarter of 2022 are Apple (46%), vivo (13%), Huawei (11%), Honor (9%), Xiaomi (8%), and OPPO (8%).

Q2 China's high-end smartphone share ranking: Apple accounted for 46% and ranked first, and Vivo and Huawei ranked second and third respectively

Counterpoint said that in the second quarter of 2022, the top six OEMs accounted for 95% of the entire high-end market. At the same time, Vivo’s sales increased by 91% year-on-year, replacing Huawei’s second place in China’s high-end market for the first time.

By hmimcu