The wave of automotive electronics is unstoppable! OFweek 2023 Automotive Electronics Conference Successfully Held

The electrification and intelligence of automobiles have become the mainstream development trend in the automotive industry. As an important component of the upstream of the automotive industry chain, the automotive electronics industry has played a crucial role in the intelligent transformation of the automotive industry. The proportion of electronic bicycle costs in automobiles is constantly increasing, and the innovation and development of its key technologies have become an important force driving innovation in the automotive industry. To help more engineers deeply participate in the automotive electronics industry, the “OFweek 2023 Engineer Series Online Conference – Automotive Electronics Technology Online Conference” was officially held on March 23, 2023, hosted by OFweek Wiki and organized by OFweek Wiki · Electronic Engineering.

Technical experts from Beijing University of Technology, Polar Ocean Semiconductor, Edex, Ames Osram, Western Data, Zhongke Yihai Micro, COMSOL, as well as analysts from the electronic industry of Wikinet, jointly attended this online conference.
The theme of this speech comprehensively covers the upstream, midstream, and downstream of the automotive electronics industry chain, including in car energy, vehicle grade MCU, automotive lighting, in car storage, automotive chips, simulation software, and automotive testing. More than 10000 attendees participated in this conference, and the atmosphere throughout the conference was lively, interactive, and full of dry goods!
Eight major keynote speeches, not to be missed
01. Intelligent Technology and Prospects Supported by Digital Control and Intelligent Computing Systems for Vehicle Energy Systems
Sun Liqing, Associate Professor of Electric Vehicle National Engineering Laboratory at Beijing University of Technology
Sun Liqing, Associate Professor of the National Engineering Laboratory of Electric Vehicles at Beijing University of Technology, stated in his keynote speech titled “Intelligent Technology and Prospects Supported by Digital Control and Intelligent Computing Systems for In-Vehicle Energy Systems” that currently, new energy vehicles have become the most commonly used and environmentally friendly means of transportation for people’s travel. However, electric vehicles still face many pain points, such as the need for electric vehicle rental users to consider vehicle convenience, range Safety and other issues, while users who have purchased electric vehicles need to consider finding charging stations, parking spaces, and other issues. In order to address these issues, a better in vehicle energy system for new energy vehicles has become a focus of attention. Sun Liqing also mentioned a new type of in vehicle power generation system that utilizes digital, intelligent, and networked control of the power system, known as in vehicle energy diversification. On the other hand, Sun Liqing stated that the development of hydrogen energy and fuel cell vehicle industries has also embarked on a rapid development path, becoming a major emerging industry besides lithium battery vehicles.
02. Vehicle grade MCU products and solutions assist in high-quality development of domestic alternatives
Deng Tao, Senior Product Manager of Jihai Semiconductor
According to Deng Tao, Senior Product Manager of Jihai Semiconductor, the global sales of new energy vehicles in 2022 were approximately 10.65 million, an annual increase of 64%. It is expected that the sales volume will reach 14.51 million by 2023. Among them, it will bring huge growth to the automotive MCU market. From 2021 to 2026, the global automotive MCU market size will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.4%, from 7.338 billion US dollars to 12.552 billion US dollars. In the theme sharing of “Vehicle Grade MCU Products and Solutions Helping High Quality Development of Domestic Substitution”, Deng Tao also focused on explaining to the audience the market size and trends of ultrasonic radar and car light industry. Deng Tao said that Jihai Semiconductor is a integrated circuit design enterprise focusing on industrial/vehicle specification level microcontrollers, high-performance analog chips and system level chips. In terms of the layout of vehicle specification level chips and solutions, the whole series of vehicle specification level general MCU and vehicle specification level ASIC have passed the AEC-Q100 vehicle specification reliability certification and comply with the ISO 26262 functional safety standard. They are widely used in the fields of body control, sensing, BMS battery management, etc.
03. Testing Solution for 800V High Voltage System of New Energy Vehicles
Song Chenchen, Senior Technical Engineer of EDX
The number of new energy vehicles continues to rise, but the popularization process has always been accompanied by challenges such as difficult charging and slow charging. In order to solve these problems, Song Chenchen, a senior technical engineer at EDX, brought the theme sharing of “Testing Solutions for 800V High Voltage System of New Energy Vehicles”. Song Chenchen stated that using high-voltage charging technology for new energy vehicles is a major direction to solve the problem of slow charging. However, the challenges involved in the testing of 800V power batteries are not simple, as the trend of high voltage and high power increases the difficulty of wiring and the risk of high-voltage contacts. Secondly, the traditional independent source load scheme cannot meet the complex simulation of working conditions and requires the support of high-speed hardware. Finally, it is quite complex to obtain the curve variation trend of the battery under different environmental temperatures from the vast amount of data. Based on advanced software and hardware technology, Adex solves industry pain points. In terms of hardware advantages, it can achieve high-speed and seamless current switching, and can also achieve modular design. It can be paired with equipment such as temperature boxes, temperature testers, and internal resistance testers. Through flexible step combinations, it comprehensively helps users verify battery performance.
04. Opportunities and challenges for automotive lighting in the new era of travel
Luo Li, Senior Marketing Manager of Ames Osram
At this meeting, Ames Osram Senior Marketing Manager Luo Li stated in his keynote speech on “Opportunities and Challenges of Automotive Lighting in the New Travel Era” that automotive lighting applications in modern cars are extremely wide, such as external lighting, interior lighting, autonomous driving, head up display, driver monitoring, gesture sensing, and human-machine interaction interfaces. As a driving force for autonomous driving, Ames Osram places great importance on visual sensing, which will be a major focus of intelligent vehicle development in the next five years. Luo Li also stated that with the further integration of visual sensing and lighting components, radar/LiDAR will also achieve mutual penetration and integration with automotive lighting.
05. Overview and Value Analysis of China’s Automotive Electronics Industry Chain
Shen Pengzhou, Electronics Industry Analyst at Wikipedia
Affected by the booming production and sales of new energy vehicles, the degree of automotive electronics continues to improve. Automotive electronics will usher in a long business cycle, and the industry will face a major development opportunity at the entire industry chain level. In the theme sharing of “Overview and Value Analysis of China’s Automotive Electronics Industry Chain”, Shen Pengzhou, an analyst in the electronics industry of Wikipedia, mentioned that automobiles are developing towards electrification, intelligence, and networking. Specifically, electrification means a transformation of the automotive energy system. From fuel to batteries, it is expected that the global sales of new energy vehicles will reach 18 million by 2025; In terms of intelligence, firstly, the penetration rate of intelligent cockpit will increase to 59% by 2025, and secondly, the level of autonomous driving will become more mature, with L2+penetration rate increasing to 28% by 2025; In terms of networking, from in car connectivity to V2X, it is expected that the global penetration rate of new car connectivity functions will increase to 59% by 2025.
06. Data Storage Empowers Future Intelligent Driving Experience
Geng Hua, Senior Product Marketing Manager of Western Data
The rapid development of user experience mainly focuses on the two emerging functional domains of intelligent cockpit domain and autonomous driving domain. Geng Hua, Senior Product Marketing Manager of Western Data, proposed this viewpoint in his speech “Data Storage Empowers Future Intelligent Driving Experience”. He stated that the display, in car acoustics, tactile feedback, multi device interaction, and even the development of metaverse technology in intelligent cockpit will provide users with a variety of driving experiences. In the autonomous driving domain, relying on the powerful computing power of the autonomous driving platform and combining high-definition map data, the autonomous driving and assisted driving domains currently provide more friendly and low latency visual interaction, providing people with a better autonomous/assisted driving experience. In his speech, Geng Hua also focused on introducing the in car storage products of Western Data Vertical, helping to integrate the autonomous driving domain and intelligent cockpit domain, accelerating the transition to a centralized architecture for the entire vehicle, and making the user experience more unified and friendly.
07. Domestic Full Forward Strong Autonomous FPGA Chip and Reconfigurable System
Xia Jinjun, Senior Engineer/Sales Director of Zhongke Yihai Microelectronics
Xia Jinjun, Senior Engineer/Sales Director of Zhongke Yihai Microelectronics, delivered a keynote speech on “Domestic Full Forward Strong Autonomous FPGA Chips and Reconfigurable Systems”. As the only high-tech enterprise under the Chinese Academy of Sciences engaged in FPGA chip research and development, Zhongke Yihai Microelectronics adheres to the full forward design technology route and independently develops highly reliable embedded programmable circuit IP cores, programmable logic chips, EDA software, and reconfigurable systems, Provide industry solutions and integrated circuit design services with high-performance and adaptive computing. It is reported that FPGA is widely used in intelligent vehicles due to its flexible and programmable characteristics, including ADAS/AD systems, powertrain systems, intelligent cockpit systems, intelligent networking systems, safety systems, and so on. After stable mass production as a type of automotive chip, it can also be solidified to form specialized chips, significantly reducing costs.
08. Multi physical field simulation helps innovate new energy vehicles
COMSOL China Technical Manager Zhang Kai
With the development trend of lightweight, electrification, and intelligence in the automotive industry, the market has put forward higher requirements for the research and development and performance of new energy vehicles. Multi physical field simulation technology is widely used in new energy vehicles, providing effective solutions for the development and design of related products. In the “Multi physical Field Simulation Assists New Energy Vehicle Innovation” presented by Zhang Kai, COMSOL China Technical Manager, he introduced COMSOL automotive electronics and power device simulation, motor simulation, battery and thermal management simulation, and demonstrated the simulation functions of the software applicable to various physical and engineering fields as well as multi physical field applications, And how simulation based on physical equations deals with numerical methods and settings for typical multi physical field coupling problems in electronic devices.
Roundtable Discussion on Automotive Electronics, Exploring the Frontier Trends of the Industry
During the round table forum, Sun Liqing, Associate Professor at the National Engineering Laboratory of Electric Vehicles at Beijing University of Technology, Deng Tao, Senior Product Manager of Jihai Semiconductor, Zhu Jiahui, Chief Engineer of Western Data, and Shen Pengzhou, an analyst in the electronics industry at Weike Network, jointly participated in the discussion. When discussing the topic of automotive chips, Deng Tao believes that chip computing power is becoming increasingly important in the current direction of smart car SoC. In addition to large computing power, future automotive chips will also become more centralized and controlled; Professor Sun mentioned the topic of energy. Nowadays, new energy vehicles are becoming increasingly popular, and there are still many challenges to be solved in the management of on-board energy systems in the transformation from traditional fuel to fuel cell technology/electric vehicle technology/hybrid technology; Regarding the important evolution direction of future automotive electronics, Zhu Jiahui believes that the electrification/intelligence of automobiles has become the mainstream trend in the automotive industry. The core demand for automotive electronic products is increasingly towards intelligence, IoT, and greenery, and the demand for software will significantly increase in the future; Shen Pengzhou stated that cost, user experience, and performance are all the key points that consumers will pay attention to when choosing automotive products in the future, which is also the key direction for major automotive companies to polish when developing products in the future.
Hand in hand to promote the ecology of the automotive electronics industry
Through the sharing of 8 guests today, it can be seen that cars are undoubtedly one of the hottest tracks at present. Moving from traditional fuel to electrification is an irreversible trend in the development of the automotive industry. At the same time, the arrival of the digital era has deeply integrated new generation information technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things with the automotive industry. Cars are constantly integrating innovative technologies, and behind them lie billions of market sizes and potential business opportunities. OFweek has been focusing on the development of electronic technology for many years and hopes to work together with a large number of automotive electronics enterprises to contribute to the ecological development of the automotive industry

By hmimcu