For the microcontroller may not be very well understood by many people, in fact, the microcontroller is also known as a single microcontroller, it is not to complete a certain logic function of the chip, but to integrate a computer system on a chip. It is equivalent to a microcomputer, and the computer compared to the microcontroller only missing the I/O device, the following is a detailed introduction to what is a microcontroller.

What is a microcontroller

What is a microcontroller? Definition of microcontroller.

  Microcontroller is also known as a single microcontroller, it is not a chip to complete a certain logical function, but a computer system integrated into a chip. It is equivalent to a miniature computer, and the computer, compared to the microcontroller is only missing the I/O devices. In a nutshell: a chip becomes a computer. It is small, light, inexpensive, and provides convenient conditions for learning, application and development. At the same time, learning to use microcontrollers is the best choice to understand the principles and structure of computers.

  Microcontrollers have been used in a wide range of fields, such as smart meters, real-time industrial control, communication equipment, navigation systems, home appliances, etc.. Once a variety of products with a microcontroller, it can play a role in upgrading the effectiveness of the product, often in front of the product name with the adjective – “intelligent”, such as intelligent washing machine, etc..

What is a microcontroller

What is a microcontroller? Application classification.

  Microcontrollers (Microcontrollers) as an important branch of computer development, according to the development of different perspectives, microcontrollers can be broadly divided into general-purpose / dedicated, bus type / non-bus type and industrial control / home appliance type.

  General-purpose type

  This is distinguished by the scope of application of microcontrollers. For example, 80C51 type general-purpose microcontroller is not designed for a specific purpose; special-purpose microcontroller is designed and produced for a class of products or even a certain product, for example, in order to meet the requirements of electronic thermometer, the temperature measurement control circuit with integrated ADC interface and other functions in the chip.

  Bus type

  This is distinguished by whether the microcontroller (Microcontrollers) provides a parallel bus. In addition, many microcontrollers have the required peripheral devices and peripheral interfaces integrated in one piece, so in many cases can not parallel expansion bus, greatly reducing the cost of packaging and chip size, this type of microcontroller is called non-bus type This type of microcontroller is called non-bus type microcontroller.

  Control type

  This is a distinction according to the general field of application of microcontrollers (Microcontrollers). Generally speaking, the industrial control type has a large addressing range and strong computing power; the microcontrollers used for home appliances are mostly special-purpose, usually small packages, low prices, and high integration of peripheral devices and peripheral interfaces. Obviously, the above classification is not the only and strict. For example, 80C51 class microcontroller is both general-purpose and bus type, but also can be used for industrial control.

What is a microcontroller

What is a microcontroller?

  Microcontrollers permeate all areas of our lives, and it is difficult to find almost any field without a trace of microcontrollers. Missile navigation devices, aircraft control of various instruments, computer network communication and data transmission, industrial automation process of real-time control and data processing, a variety of widely used intelligent IC cards, civilian limousine safety and security systems, video recorders, cameras, automatic washing machine control, as well as program-controlled toys, electronic pets, etc., these are inseparable from the microcontroller. Not to mention the field of automatic control of robots, intelligent meters, medical devices and a variety of intelligent machinery. Therefore, the study, development and application of microcontroller will create a number of computer applications and intelligent control of scientists and engineers.

  The above is a simple introduction about what is a microcontroller, may sound very professional, but the actual surplus range is still relatively common, I hope that the introduction of this article, you have a simple understanding of the microcontroller.

By hmimcu