Xiao Yaqing: Strive to write a new chapter in the construction of a strong Internet country

Recently, Xiao Yaqing, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, published a signed article in the 3rd issue of 2022 of the magazine “China Netcom”. The full text is as follows: lcd screen module
The implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country through the Internet is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has published a series of important expositions on the construction of a strong cyber country. Standing at the strategic height of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, starting from the general trend of informatization development and the overall international and domestic situation, he clearly pointed out that the work of cyberspace The important position in the overall situation of the party and the country, profoundly expounding the strategic goals, principles and requirements, standpoints, and basic methods of building a strong cyber country, systematically answering the major theoretical and practical questions about why and how to build a strong cyber country, forming a The important thoughts of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the power of the Internet, which are rich in connotation and scientific and systematic, have led my country’s Internet informatization cause to achieve historic achievements and undergo historic changes, and have pointed out the direction for us to move forward and provided the fundamental principles to follow.
At present, the century-old changes and the epidemic of the century are intertwined and superimposed, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and the international environment has undergone profound changes. The industrial and information systems should further unify their thoughts and actions into the decisions, arrangements and requirements of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thought on strengthening the country through the Internet, and conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. Deeply comprehend the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, faithfully practice the “two maintenances”, keep in mind the “bigger of the country”, adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new Development concept, build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, adhere to the system concept, coordinate development and security, base on the current, focus on the long-term, innovate ideas, improve measures, do a solid job in various tasks, and strive to write a new chapter in the construction of a network powerhouse , to provide strong support and guarantee for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

   Accelerate the construction of information infrastructure and consolidate the foundation for digital economic and social development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we must strengthen the construction of information infrastructure, strengthen the in-depth integration of information resources, and open up the information “artery” of economic and social development.
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has made remarkable achievements in the construction of information infrastructure. The world’s largest optical fiber network and mobile broadband network have been built. All prefecture-level cities in the country have built optical network cities. More than 1.5 million 5G base stations have been built and opened, and 5G terminals have been connected. The number of households has reached 520 million, and the problem of communication difficulties in remote and backward areas has been historically solved. Information infrastructure is the “cornerstone” of a powerful network country, and it is also a strategic public infrastructure for my country’s economic and social development in the new era. It is necessary to grasp the development direction of high-speed ubiquity, integration of heaven and earth, cloud-network integration, intelligence and agility, green and low-carbon, safe and controllable, and strive to build a new-generation communication network based on data and computing power facilities as the core, and converged infrastructure. A new type of information infrastructure system for breakthroughs. Comprehensively promote the construction of a new generation of communication network infrastructure, do a good job in the implementation of a new round of universal telecommunications services, accelerate the large-scale deployment of 5G independent networking, promote 5G networks to achieve full coverage of cities and towns, and in-depth coverage of key application scenarios, and promote the “thousands of thousands of applications”. To promote the evolution of backbone networks and upgrade of service capabilities, strengthen the upgrading of application infrastructure and terminal IPv6, promote the deep integration of satellite communication systems and terrestrial information and communication systems, and continue to improve the quality of international information and communication services. Coordinate the layout of green and intelligent data and computing power facilities, promote the construction of an integrated big data center system, deeply promote the coordinated development of digital networks, digital clouds, and cloud-edge, promote the clustering, intelligent transformation and green upgrade of computing power infrastructure, and improve Facility service capabilities such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. Actively develop efficient and coordinated integrated infrastructure, make full use of 5G, big data, artificial intelligence, etc. to carry out intelligent transformation of traditional infrastructure, and promote the deployment and application of Internet of Vehicles and the construction of national-level Internet of Vehicles pilot zones.
    5G on Mount Everest.
Accelerate the breakthrough of core technologies in the information field and firmly grasp the autonomy of development.
General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that network information technology is the technological innovation field with the most concentrated R&D investment, the most active innovation, the most extensive application and the greatest radiation driving effect in the world. Competitive heights; the core technology of the Internet is our biggest “life gate”, and the control of the core technology by others is our biggest hidden danger; we must firmly grasp the “bull nose” of independent innovation of the core technology, and quickly break through the cutting-edge technology of network development and international competitiveness. Key core technologies, accelerate the promotion of domestic independent and controllable replacement plans, and build a safe and controllable information technology system.
After years of unremitting efforts, my country’s information technology innovation capabilities have been greatly improved. 5G standards, technologies, industries, networks and applications have made comprehensive breakthroughs. The overall strength has jumped to the world’s first echelon, and quantum information, artificial intelligence, and high-performance computing have entered the world’s advanced ranks. , a series of landmark achievements have been made in the fields of integrated circuits and software. However, we must also be soberly aware that my country’s information technology innovation capabilities are still not strong, the situation that key core technologies are controlled by others has not fundamentally changed, and the risks and hidden dangers faced by the impact of the external environment have increased. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the innovation-driven development strategy, give full play to the advantages of my country’s socialist system, the advantages of the new national system, and the advantages of the super-large-scale market, systematically improve the independent innovation ability of information technology, and achieve high-level self-reliance and self-reliance as soon as possible. Vigorously strengthen key core technology research, accelerate research and development breakthroughs and iterative applications in high-end chips, key software, sensors and other fields, improve innovation capabilities such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, strengthen the layout of cutting-edge technologies such as 6G and quantum information, and create independent, controllable and safe. Reliable industrial chain supply chain. Focus on building a technology system and innovation ecology, strengthen systematic technology layout, give play to the leading role of leading enterprises, build a technology innovation consortium, optimize the allocation of innovation elements and resources, stimulate the innovation vitality of various innovation entities, promote the deep integration of production, education, research and application, and strengthen the industrial chain Effectively connect with the innovation chain, and promote the integration and innovation of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain, as well as large and medium-sized enterprises.
   Promote the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and the manufacturing industry, and use digital transformation to generate new momentum for development.
General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the use of new technologies and applications of the Internet to transform traditional industries in an all-round, all-angle, and full-chain way, improve total factor productivity, release The magnifying, superimposing and multiplying effect of numbers on economic development; continue to do a good job in the great article on the deep integration of informatization and industrialization, and promote the accelerated development of the manufacturing industry towards digitalization, networking and intelligence.
In recent years, the digital transformation of my country’s manufacturing industry has been deepened. There are more than 150 large-scale industrial Internet platforms, and the digital development level of industrial enterprises above designated size in key industries has rapidly improved. , New applications emerge one after another. The digital economy is the future development direction of the world. We must seize this historical opportunity, anchor the direction of digitization, networking, and intelligence, promote the deep integration of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing, expand new space for development, cultivate new momentum for development, and promote the digital economy to become stronger, better, and bigger. Economic and social development injects strong momentum. Carry out in-depth digital transformation actions in the manufacturing industry, formulate digital transformation roadmaps in key industries, and promote the application of digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, and blockchain in R&D, design, manufacturing, operation management, and market services. The digitalization level of small and medium-sized enterprises, and cultivate a group of “specialized, special and new” enterprises and single champion enterprises in manufacturing. Deeply implement the industrial Internet innovation and development project, accelerate the construction of industrial Internet networks covering all regions and industries, improve the industrial Internet identification analysis system, build a multi-level industrial Internet platform, and increase the use of “5G + Industrial Internet” in key industries such as industry and energy. Field promotion and application, and integrated promotion of industrial Internet pilot demonstrations. In-depth implementation of intelligent manufacturing projects, support local and industrial development of multi-scenario and multi-level demonstration applications, build a number of intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories, cultivate a number of intelligent supply chains, create a number of intelligent manufacturing pilot areas, and vigorously promote the innovation and development of intelligent manufacturing equipment. At the same time, promote the integrated development of manufacturing and modern service industries, deepen business association, chain extension, and technology penetration, promote the integration and coexistence of the two industries, and accelerate the development of service-oriented manufacturing and industrial design.
   Internet e-commerce and live broadcasting have opened a “highway” for farmers to get rid of poverty and become rich.
Strengthen the information and communication industry supervision and network security guarantee, and continue to create a good development environment
. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that without network security, there will be no national security, no stable economic and social operation, and it is difficult to protect the interests of the broad masses of people; it is necessary to improve comprehensive network governance. capacity; speed up the construction of a critical information infrastructure security system; and effectively ensure national data security.
In recent years, the regulatory regulations, policies and standards of the information and communication industry have been continuously improved, and hot and difficult issues of public concern, such as telecommunication network fraud and the infringement of user rights and interests by apps, have been effectively addressed, and the network security assurance capability has continued to improve. At present, in the face of new situations, new tasks and new requirements, it is necessary to thoroughly implement the overall national security concept, strengthen overall planning, improve systems and mechanisms, form regulatory synergy, and continuously improve industry governance capabilities. Accelerate the construction of a new industry management system, strengthen the basic management of the industry, increase market supervision, explore the implementation of a classified management system for Internet companies, establish a market supervision mechanism based on credit supervision and focus on the supervision of large Internet companies, and strengthen the protection of user rights and interests. Strengthen the supervision of new technologies and new businesses, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the platform economy. Vigorously strengthen the network security guarantee system and capacity building, promote the implementation of the network infrastructure security protection capability maturity evaluation mechanism, strengthen the industry’s key information infrastructure security guarantee, standardize the whole process management of data collection, transmission, storage, processing, sharing, etc., and strengthen sensitive Information and personal information protection, implement the industrial Internet security innovation project, comprehensively improve the network operation and emergency communication security level, vigorously promote the innovation and development of the network and data security industry, effectively prevent and resolve various risks and hidden dangers, and build a national network security barrier. At the same time, further deepen international cooperation in the field of information and communication, take the “Belt and Road” construction as an opportunity, deepen cooperation in technical standards, infrastructure construction, network security, etc., actively participate in the research and formulation of international rules and standards for cyberspace governance, and work together to create an open , a fair, just and non-discriminatory digital economy development environment, and work together to build a community of shared future in cyberspace.

By hmimcu